Logistics Certificate

In today’s constantly‑changing, rapidly‑evolving and ever‑more advanced era of international trade and e‑commerce, an optimal connectivity along roads, sea, rails and within warehouses is key. Swissquote’s new Logistics Certificate gathers a roll call of the powerhouses that are guaranteeing efficient and reliable systems of transportation, information processing and supply chain infrastructure, ensuring businesses’ ability to compete on a global scale.

Cargo ship


ISIN: CH1194698945

From guaranteeing a smooth flow of products and building better customer relationships, to offering new technologies that help reduce cost, logistics companies are vital.
Furthermore, the pandemic sparked a new level of interest in the sector from institutional and everyday investors, who saw a not‑to‑be‑missed opportunity. The global logistics market reached a value of USD 4.92 Trillion in 2021. Looking forward, some experts expect the market to reach USD 6.55 Trillion by 2027, exhibiting at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 4.7% during 2022‑2027.
The Logistics Certificate delivers exposure to most of the logistics sub segments to secure a high level of diversification within this sector. In order to hit every profitable part of the global supply chain, the theme includes top players and superstars of marine shipping, airfreight, rail freight, trucking, logistics services, warehouse automation, logistics infrastructure, logistics real estate and mass merchants.



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